Saturday, March 22, 2008

Buttoning Pants!

Saturday, March 22, 2008, my son has learned to button his pants without any assistance. He was so excited about his new skill that he either showed or told family members about it.

Friday, March 21, 2008

I wanna be 55!

My son for the last few days has been saying that he wishes he was 55. Not 5, but 55. I asked him why? He said that because that is a cool number.

I told him, "Love, I want you to be four, five, six,..." and I counted up to 55. Then I added, that I wanted him to live a long, happy, and healthy life, more than 100!

I know he doesn't understand the concept of being 55 years old. I am gonna remind him about this when he becomes older.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Do They Get Room Service?

My son and I were driving past some apartments when he said to me, "Mommy, do those apartments get Room Service?"

I said no. They are apartments not hotels. He had said that because they were huge apartment buildings. In his view, they looked like hotels, he had seen on television.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Use Parental Controls

I have recently installed two different types of parental controls on our computer and television because my son would see things I feel weren't age appropriate and showed too much violence. (No, I am not a fan of Caillou or Barney either).

So, every time he tries to get into Power Rangers and other Cartoon Network cartoons, parental controls on the television and computer kicks in. He would say, "Computer (or TV) why won't you let me watch Power Rangers!"

"Mommy, the computer (or TV) won't let me watch Power Rangers. Why not?" he would ask.

I would tell him that the computer or TV don't want him to watch bad things. They will give him bad dreams.

He accepts that for now.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Going to Candyland

When I picked my son from preschool, he told me about his day. One of the things he mentioned was that his friend *Zack* was not in school.

I said, "Oh really? Where do you think he is?"

My son thought about it and said, "I think they are in Disneyland or wait, maybe even Candy Land!"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Counting, Now Doing It Four Times, and Bedbugs


My is proud that he can count to 50-10. My husband and I say, "Oh you can count up to 60? Wow!" He then replies, "I like to see 50-10 better."

Used to be four, now it has to be five times:

Usually, my son likes to do some activities four times because he is four. Now, when he wants his dad to play with him a little longer, he will say say "Five times because I am going to be five."


Tonight, as I tucked my son into bed, I told him, "Happy Dreams." Then he told me, "Don't forget to say don't let the bedbugs bite!"

So, I said, "don't let the bedbugs bite." Then he got a serious face and said, "Mommy how do you stop the bedbugs from biting? Do you kick them?"

I said, "Don't worry. They will not hurt you."

Monday, March 3, 2008

Birthday at Chuck E Cheeses

I was telling my son that his father's birthday is this Wednesday and his aunt, my sister, has her birthday on Friday.

My son said, "Awesome! Is *aunt* is going to have her birthday at Chuck E Cheeses?"

I replied back, "Why don't you ask her?"