Friday, February 29, 2008

Right and Left

Today, I was explaining to my son, that people are either left handed or right handed. I told him that he is left handed because he uses his left hand more than his right, just like his uncles. I also explained to him that I am right handed.

He then asked me, "Is dad right handed or wrong handed?"

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I want to be like you!

Today my son and his dad were snacking. My son asked his dad all sorts of questions. He then told him, "I want to be a daddy like you. I want to copy like you. I want to grow your size." My husband was touched. He said, "God willing, you will one day."

I giggled at what my son had said.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Registering for Kindergarten

It is almost that time. Time to register my son for Kindergarten. I can't believe it. He still seems like a baby to me.

He is so ready, but I don't know if I am. He keeps telling everyone that when he is five he is going to Kindergarten, "Big kids school".

Registration is at the end of this month.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow Day, But....

Today was a snow day for schools because of up to 15 inches of snow. I was happy because I had a day off from work. However, my son was not happy. He moaned and groaned, and asked, "WHY, don't we have school?!"

I was surprised because I have never seen anyone be upset about a snow day, especially a four year old student.

However, I managed to keep him preoccupied throughout the day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"I know I am Cool"

I was going to post yesterday, but I fell asleep--I guess I was exhausted.

My mom bought my son some very nice clothes as a gift. He wore them to school yesterday. After returned from school, my husband asks him, "Did your friends say, 'You look cool'?"

Son looked at his dad and said, "I am cool. I don't need my friends to say I am cool."

There you go world. He just proved to me that he is not a follower! I hope and pray that it stays this way.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sleeping at Grandma's and Grandpa's house, Naming a flower

My son spent the night, last night, without us at my parents' house. That was his very first time to be away from us. The reason why let him spend the night because we didn't want to carry him out in the cold. He did pretty well.

As my son and I looked through photos, he pointed to a cactus in the photo. He said, "I remember that type of flower. That is the Hurt Flower that is when I had hurted myself when I was three trying to get the balloon away from that!"